[RMU] Suggestions for a monster balanced to fight 4 level 20 adventurers?

Started by Thot, August 09, 2024, 01:27:35 PM

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Jon Joe

Quote from: Jon Joe on August 10, 2024, 08:56:26 AM
For a solo, it needs to soak up burst rounds.

PC (especially if they are four) will unleash armaggedon on the boss. If he can´t stand it, at least once, it´s a useless solo boss.

I told you, Thot... :p


This, as happened, would have happened to any creature, of basically any size, right? Or is there any ability that would counteract such crits (other than enchanted armor with really good crit negation)?


Aside from crit negation, a creature might have immunity to specific critical effects (e.g., immunity to stun), or it could have Fortitude skill to operate while injured without penalty, or there are spells for ignoring criticals or reducing their effect for a limited amount of time (e.g., Ignore Wounds on the Ranger base lists Inner Walls). Also Displacement which isn't exactly crit negation but if you negate the entire hit there's obviously no critical.

Fortitude skill is probably the easiest -- and also the easiest to overlook. I know I never think of it. ;)

That said, Rolemaster being Rolemaster, sometimes a battle is just going to be easier than intended. And sometimes it will be much harder. The dice are fickle. Roll with it and move on.
System and Line Editor for Rolemaster


Fortitude skill is nice, but halving is not removing. :D

Anyway, I'll have to go back to mobs, then, as tedious as that can be.


Here's one for you, for future reference. The Carac'rin.

The description is on C&T II, page 43. The stat block is on page 45.
You put your left foot in, you put your left foot out... Traditional Somatic Components
Oo Ee Oo Aa Aa, Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang... Traditional Verbal Components
Eye of Newt and Toe of Frog, Wool of Bat and Tongue of Dog... Traditional Potion Formula


Quote from: jdale on August 16, 2024, 11:28:46 AM
Also Displacement which isn't exactly crit negation but if you negate the entire hit there's obviously no critical.

The published numbers for Displacement make that spell near useless.


Quote from: jdale on August 16, 2024, 11:28:46 AM
That said, Rolemaster being Rolemaster, sometimes a battle is just going to be easier than intended. And sometimes it will be much harder. The dice are fickle. Roll with it and move on.

So in my Roll20 game... A couple of weeks ago the players absolutely demolished a group of demons in like 1 round - I am not sure if the demons even managed to attack (low OBs and lots of stun... urgh).   A week or two later they encountered another group of demons - one was a bit more powerful.  However the players had time to prepare and buffed themselves (lots of Shield and resistance spells).  Sounds like a super one sided fight.

The dice decided that one of the PCs time was over and was on the wrong end of an instant death critical.  sigh

Anyway - I think the core thing I'm saying is that unlike certain more mechanically predictable systems, in Rolemaster the important thing is to make sure the final confrontation is narratively satisfying, because mechanically it may not be.


Someone like Sulthon or Andraxx would be able to take them on I am sure. You could use them as a model for making an opponent. Particularly if they were using some of the more nasty upper level spells along with their natural toughness and abilities. The biggest issue with playing at that level is the spells available and the possibility of stun against a single opponent.


Quote from: GrumpyOldFart on August 28, 2024, 06:27:22 AM
Here's one for you, for future reference. The Carac'rin.

The description is on C&T II, page 43. The stat block is on page 45.

Isn't the carac'rin in Creatures and Monsters as well?  Also the Black Reaver from RoCo I and Creatures and Monsters make for excellent final boss fights.  And I'm sure the Moloch demon and the Ordainer demon have been mentioned also.


There is always Kabis. Not sure that a group of 20th level PCs could take him. And he is not a demon, not by the regular definition at least.