In your opinion would the following rules in RM Classic (p.147) RE "permanent injuries" be allowed to be repaired via, spells, herbs or whatever???
I had always assumed that permanent was exactly that ... ie a mechanic in the game, after a really bad injury or death, to limit a character (ie making a permenant injury, lost hand, lost agility etc remain in place).
How have you handled this rule in your Rolemaster Games please?
"PERMANENT DAMAGE Most of these questions are very subjective and must be decided on a case-by-case basis. For example, having an arm cut off and then reattached might cause a loss of agility (temporary or permanent) and maybe a scar. Death and being raised from the dead might cause a general loss of abilities, partial loss of experience and scars.
As a loose rule of thumb, a character might receive permanent damage only in case of a severe wound. In such a situation, have the character make an open-ended 1-100 roll and add a number equal to his Constitution (not simply the Co bonus). Should the result exceed 100, there is no permanent damage. If it falls short of 101+, ascertain the difference between the roll and 101. The greater the difference, the worse the permanent damage."