RM2 Rules RE Martial Arts - multiple attacks & multiple foes?

Started by C.Tozer, April 28, 2024, 12:56:17 AM

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Something that has always puzzled me RE Rolemaster Martial Arts (Striking or Sweeps & Throws).

Back in RM2 there is a table in Arms Law (1989, Red Cover Edition) on p.30 which provided additional rules for martial arts attacks.

In these rules, a trained (typically 5th Lvl+) could make either:
   1. More than one attack per round on a single target (with a mod)
   2. Attack more than one opponent in a single round (with mods)
   3. Attack in a in a wider area than just directly ahead

It clearly states on this page & the preceding one, that one "should not use this chart if using Character Law" or "If you use the complete Rolemaster system, ignore this section. It is intended for GMs that use other systems".
The next page over or so, in the Q&A, section it asks the question of why Martial Artists are too overpowered.

So a few questions:

   1. Any idea why these 3 rules aren't used in Rolemaster? Too overpowered I'm guessing?
   2. Does anyone use these 3 rules in their games for martial artists? Why or why not?
   3. Lastly out of interest, why did ICE do this back in the day and for what other system?

The answer to the "Are Martial Artists too tough" question seems to say that Martial Artists are at some disadvantages, with some benefits too. I would have thought that being able to attack more than once or attack one person in a round would have balanced things up a bit.
Also the ability to attack more than once/attack more than two foes in a round skill only happens at, at least 5th level and then only on Rank 1 MA, resulting in the nastiest result on Armor Type 1 as 15B = unpleasant but not necessarily really lethal.

I'm toying with including these rules in my game but I don't want to over balance this profession. What do you all think please?

Also included on Facebook too.
**Interested in some Rolemaster Actual Play Sessions to watch - check out https://www.youtube.com/@ofhorrorsandheroes ***


Since that printing, ICE released the Oriental Companion and Arms Companion which introduced Martial Arts "stuff" geared for the RM system.  The points you refer to are from a time RM was like an "every man's system."  There are charts for converting D100 to other dice systems, references to Space Master and MERPS.  When I first started playing RM the GM was using some of the MERPS books because he liked the content better than some of the RM content.  Other GMs worked solely with RM and solely with MERPS when playing either.   Even in later Companions, there are crit tables included for use with Space Master (Shrapnel and Explosion, I believe are two that have footnotes stating as much.)

1) We did allow attacks to multiple targets in the same manner any other PC in the game could, with the same modifiers and restrictions.  We did allow weapon kata, but only if the player calculated all the stats for the attacks so the GM wouldn't be slowed down trying to do additional math.  As a result, hardly anyone ever bothered with weapon kata.

2) We allowed multiple attacks, again the same way any other PC could do them; Adrenal Speed, speed spell (or slow spell), magic item.

3) This is the same as item 1.

If possible, take a look at either of the Companions I mentioned, that may make MA a little more balanced for your game.  We've never run into an issue with Martial Artists being over or under powered in our games.  The smart players developed MA Strike and MA Sweeps and Throws for their PC.  It's more costly, but Sweeps and Throws on an armoured opponent produces crits at lower thresholds and Strikes does the same for lesser armoured foes... and it's the crits that kill in RM. ;)
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