Author Topic: Combat with creatures that act as a group  (Read 4085 times)

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Offline rsarres

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Combat with creatures that act as a group
« on: March 28, 2024, 11:40:54 AM »
Hi, friends.
I was unable to find the complete rules for combat with small creatures that attack as a group. I understand how the group of creature attack, creatures and treasures has a rule for that. For example, each group of 100 ants can create one attack of 0 TPi (Tiny Pinch) per round.

However, how does a PC attack a group of 100 ants, for example. It obviously cannot be one attack per ant.
Another example: A 30 gorcrows attack. Their attacks are grouped in trios. Can you swing your axe and try to brind down more than one gorcrow?

In a recent encounter, a PC was attacked by 10 leeches that sneaked into his armor while wandering a swamp. I ruled that the removal of each leech using his axe was a maneuver. If he wanted to remove more than one leech per round, the maneuver difficulty increased.

So, what are your thoughts.

Offline jdale

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Re: Combat with creatures that act as a group
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2024, 12:35:06 PM »
The easiest approach is to assign the entire swarm (or some number of sub-swarms) a number of hits, but also set a limit on how much damage can be inflicted per round with a regular melee attack (e.g., one gorcrow). Also give it immunity to bleeding, stun, and injury penalties, on the principle that a single individual with those issues doesn't impair the swarm. Creative attack types might increase the maximum amount of damage if you think the attack can hit multiple bodies.
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Offline Spectre771

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Re: Combat with creatures that act as a group
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2024, 02:46:39 PM »
I believe there is a method for swarm/pack type attacks in RM2, I have to research it.  I used it in sessions with gorecrows, rats, elemental rats, giant hornets, and even leeches. :)  (That's what happens when one decides to dive into a foetid pool of water in a haunted swamp to try to get some coins.)
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Offline OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol

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Re: Combat with creatures that act as a group
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2024, 04:46:10 PM »
We had this thread about the matter, a decade ago…
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Offline brole

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Re: Combat with creatures that act as a group
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2024, 06:28:19 AM »
However, how does a PC attack a group of 100 ants, for example. It obviously cannot be one attack per ant.
For this I think its one of those that is a GM judgement call, after all its not really combat but rather... ant control.
It could be a given that 100 ants are killed per round if the PC uses a flaming torch.
If using their boot, much less, say 30. (This could make things worse if the ants rush out of the nest! e.g. 'jumping bull ants')

If the ants are on the character's body... this is more of a RR to brush them off than an attack.

Another example: A 30 gorcrows attack. Their attacks are grouped in trios. Can you swing your axe and try to brind down more than one gorcrow?
Yes. RAW could use RM2 V Multiple Attack Proficiency - Multiple Opponents (sweep). If you determine the gorcrows are in the arc of a sweep attack then the PC can do this attack on 2 or more of them depending on their skill with the weapon. (1st 10 ranks x 5 for 1st target, 2nd 10 ranks x 2 for 2nd target -20, left over x 1 for 3rd target -40 plus usual modifiers).

In a recent encounter, a PC was attacked by 10 leeches that sneaked into his armor while wandering a swamp. I ruled that the removal of each leech using his axe was a maneuver. If he wanted to remove more than one leech per round, the maneuver difficulty increased.

So, what are your thoughts.

This sounds good. The maneuver could be based on first aid skill.
e crits all round

Offline rsarres

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Re: Combat with creatures that act as a group
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2024, 05:11:35 PM »
Thanks! Lots of interesting ideas.

Offline Spectre771

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Re: Combat with creatures that act as a group
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2024, 05:40:23 AM »
Attacking the swarms was easier for us to resolve.  Attacked by rats with 10HP each... Player makes an attack roll, the result is 23 hits plus a crit.  Two rats at 10 hits each are eliminated.  1 rats takes the remaining 3 hits and the results of the crit.  If that crit yields additional hits that exceeds the remaining 7 hits of the injured rat, the excess carries into another hapless rodent possibly killing it.

For simplicity and expedience, if any attack yields 50%+ hit damage but no crit, those creatures flee.
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