Hi, friends.
I was unable to find the complete rules for combat with small creatures that attack as a group. I understand how the group of creature attack, creatures and treasures has a rule for that. For example, each group of 100 ants can create one attack of 0 TPi (Tiny Pinch) per round.
However, how does a PC attack a group of 100 ants, for example. It obviously cannot be one attack per ant.
Another example: A 30 gorcrows attack. Their attacks are grouped in trios. Can you swing your axe and try to brind down more than one gorcrow?
In a recent encounter, a PC was attacked by 10 leeches that sneaked into his armor while wandering a swamp. I ruled that the removal of each leech using his axe was a maneuver. If he wanted to remove more than one leech per round, the maneuver difficulty increased.
So, what are your thoughts.