Sprinting skill

Started by brole, March 20, 2024, 12:37:55 AM

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Sprinting skill from companion 2.

"Bonus increase to one's speed"
Then the book points to the alternative static action table for sprinting.
I'm concluding this skill adds to maneuver rolls for sprinting.

Has anyone used this skill?

Should the skill apply to all the other pace categories - dash, fast sprint, run, jog, (walk) ?

Or is it better to create separate skills for each pace to reflect specialization?

e crits all round


Quote from: brole on March 20, 2024, 12:37:55 AM
Sprinting skill from companion 2.

"Bonus increase to one's speed"

I use the sprinting skill as an additional bonus to the MM if a char want to use the pace of sprinting or more. Normal paces like walk or run are not trained for sprinting
Then the book points to the alternative static action table for sprinting.
I'm concluding this skill adds to maneuver rolls for sprinting.

Has anyone used this skill?

Should the skill apply to all the other pace categories - dash, fast sprint, run, jog, (walk) ?

Or is it better to create separate skills for each pace to reflect specialization?


I would not create a separate skill for each pace category. RM2 already has skill bloat.
'Last of all, Húrin stood alone. Then he cast aside his shield, and wielded an axe two-handed'. --J.R.R. Tolkien

'Every party needs at least one insane person.'  --Aspen of the Jade Isle


We've used sprinting skill numerous times.  It's great for the thiefly-folk who like to outrun guards or the other folk chasing down the thiefly-folk who just stole their goods or were pick pocketed, etc.  Often we'll use challenged roll-offs.  The winner pulls away a little more or closes the distance a bit.  After 3 rounds, we add on a -10 cumulative penalty for exhaustion.  Anything beyond 3 rounds moves towards distance running.  With RM2 rounds being 6-10 seconds each, sprinting full out is difficult.  Go outside and try running full speed for 30 seconds. ;)  Exhaustion sets in really fast!
If discretion is the better valor and
cowardice the better part of judgment,
let's all be heroes and run away!


I actually use a racing skill, which covers all situations where you have to chase someone on foot. Let's face it, I don't need a skill roll when there's no chase, so the skill is only used when you actually either want to escape someone or to catch someone. It covers actual sprinting, but also manoeuvering in a cluttered environment when chasing someone, and performing parkour-like acrobatics stunts in those situations.

I don't use actual movement speeds. If one of the protagonists is noticeably faster than the other, they might get a bonus to the roll depending on the environment, but in most cases, how you use the environment is a greater factor than how fast you are. The skill covers all of that.

The Riding skill is used in a similar way. People know how to ride a mount or they don't, there's no need for a skill value for that. However, their ability to catch someone else or to escape pursuers is what interests me. Riding also covers the ability to fight effectively on horseback (no roll needed, just use the lower of the Riding and the combat skill. If our mount is not combat-trained, or if the conditions are adverse, you need to spend one or more APs to control it, which reduces your ability to fight effectively).


Use it for all pace multipliers 3x and above, agreed, is what I used also.

In later additions, terrain cannot be anything but clear with very little grade and movement must be in a straight line.

Quote from: brole on March 20, 2024, 12:37:55 AM
Sprinting skill from companion 2.

"Bonus increase to one's speed"
Then the book points to the alternative static action table for sprinting.
I'm concluding this skill adds to maneuver rolls for sprinting.

Has anyone used this skill?

Should the skill apply to all the other pace categories - dash, fast sprint, run, jog, (walk) ?

Or is it better to create separate skills for each pace to reflect specialization?