Author Topic: Level, luck and CO-based poisons  (Read 2777 times)

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Offline Jengada

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Level, luck and CO-based poisons
« on: February 23, 2024, 04:30:22 PM »
Back around 2008, it seems there was some discussion of these options. I've been using level (RR) based poisons most of my gaming life, but have started using more CO-based, and now luck-based poisons.
Based on Creatures & Treasures' (p. 60/section 2.51) exposition on them, characters get to add their racial and CO bonuses for resisting level-based poisons. For COnstitution-based poisons, the target adds their CO stat (not bonus). The description of luck-based poisons says nothing of any modifiers to the target's roll, it implies the raw roll is used.
My first question is, would you apply Racial RR modifiers for CO-based or luck-based poisons? They make some sense to me, for CO-based poison, but I could see going either way with them for luck-based poisons.
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Offline brole

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Re: Level, luck and CO-based poisons
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2024, 01:40:06 AM »
I would use the Luck stat from RM2 III 5.4 for luck poisons.

This would require some altering of the character sheets adding this extra stat to a game.
e crits all round

Offline Jengada

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Re: Level, luck and CO-based poisons
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2024, 12:55:27 PM »
Even with that, the question would remain of whether or not to apply racial modifiers. Just as I type this, though, I realize the RAW answer is probably "no." The first group of poisons is specifically called "Resistance Roll -based Severity" poisons, and the other two categories are not. And the racial modifiers in Table 15.5.1 are "Resistance Roll Modifications." This would indicate, strictly speaking, that racial modifiers only apply to the first type of poisons and not to CO-based or luck-based poisons.
That's the strict interpretation. It seems to make sense, too. That said, the 2008 thread about types of poison raised some interesting questions about the fact RM2 did not include any CO-based or luck-based poisons anywhere.
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Offline Majyk

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Re: Level, luck and CO-based poisons
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2024, 07:18:09 AM »
I’d allow them their Racial Bonus but good question.  If you do want fate to rear its head in your game, however, don’t use it.
It does allow you to have an effect on Dwarves and Halflings with more regularity if that is something your campaign is filled with!

It says Poison, or Disease, under RRs on a character sheet vs breakdowns of them.

That said, for Luck-based, I wouldn’t allow the bump from Constitution that normally folds into RRs on a character sheet, and remove that but it sounds like you’re doing that already.