Suddenly, the dearth of PPs in RM2/RMC for pure and hybrid spell casters is less of a problem
I'm not sure the original designers intended it that way, but it is an interesting take. Having a class bonus to magic skills suddenly makes you a more durable spell caster, which, in a way, makes sense. I never did it that way when I was using RM2, but now it is mentioned, I can't help thinking I might have been wrong all along
The only thing to monitor, I guess, is the impact of PP multipliers, especially high multiplier ones. PP multipliers are a foundation of magical power increase in RM2 (something that has been corrected in later versions), and the multiplier scale is wider because of it. But adding the level bonuses to the PP total before the multiplier applies could be unbalanced at high level bonus and high multiplier value. A possible workaround could be to have a cap on PPs the same as there is a cap on Concussion Hits, and this would apply to the total PP *after multipliers*, which would keep them in a manageable range (and can be tailored to a campaign magic level). Which, incidentally, means that PP multipliers would lose some of their interest for high level mages (because it would bring the PP total over the cap), whereas spell adders would still be worthwhile.