Author Topic: Flying skill as Riding  (Read 2413 times)

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Offline Jengada

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Flying skill as Riding
« on: January 05, 2024, 12:02:34 AM »
This is one of those "I know I've seen it but can't find it in the books" questions.
I remember something about having characters develop skill for maneuvering and fighting when magically flying. I thought the rule/recommendation was to use Riding:Flying skill for this, but I'm not finding it anywhere. The secondary skill Flying/Gliding specifically says it's for use with natural or artificial wings, and that carries forward into RMSS so it seems a mechanic that was considered sound. Does anyone know what book/companion had guidelines for skill at magical flying, or rules for penalties/bonuses when doing so? Is it just Acrobatics skill?
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Offline Elrich Maltah

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Re: Flying skill as Riding
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2024, 09:01:05 AM »
Maneuvering while flying would use the Acrobatics skill.
-- "Bonus for in-air maneuvers (e.g., flying or levitation) or swinging on objects. Helps reduce the effects of falls."

No special modifications were ever given for those conditions.

Fighting while flying would use the Airborne Combat skill from Arms Companion.
-- "Bonus for applying one’s melee OB against a foe when conducting aerial combat. When using a Levitate or Fly spell, or when mounted upon a flying creature, the OB is equal to the OB times the skill bonus as a percentage. This skill must be purchased for each type of mount to be fought from (e.g., Fly spell, dragons, etc.)."

There are many modifiers one can use depending on how detailed you get (Stability, Wind, Visibility, Mount Quality, and Mount Stability) and whether its melee, missile, or thrown weapons.