Author Topic: What percentage of the round do breath weapons take?  (Read 2894 times)

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Offline alloowishus

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What percentage of the round do breath weapons take?
« on: November 23, 2023, 12:11:33 PM »
Are they considered missile? Spell?

Offline Spectre771

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Re: What percentage of the round do breath weapons take?
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2023, 04:25:42 PM »
For drakes/wyverns, it was one of their base attacks if it was something natural to them.  If was an intelligent creature with access to spell lists (or equivalent) then it counted as a spell.  One of our players has a pixie with access to spell lists, but breath spell isn't natural to the pixie versus a dragon.
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Offline alloowishus

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Re: What percentage of the round do breath weapons take?
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2023, 12:37:16 PM »
Ok for natural, how long does that take? 100% I would think it would be faster than a normal melee attack, I was putting at 75%

Offline MisterK

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Re: What percentage of the round do breath weapons take?
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2023, 11:25:08 PM »
Ok for natural, how long does that take? 100% I would think it would be faster than a normal melee attack, I was putting at 75%
I would rate it along the missile weapons (60%).

Offline Spectre771

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Re: What percentage of the round do breath weapons take?
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2023, 03:59:33 PM »
Hmmm, part of my post is missing.

Breath weapons, if are natural for the creature, take the same percentage as a melee attack.  If it's from a spell list, then the percentage for casting any spell.

For the drakes, their attacks can be combo attacks:
On Land:  Breath + (1 claw or 1 bash)
Diving Attack: Breath + (1 Horn or 1 Claw or 1 Bash)

In this the breath attack still allows for a melee attack.
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