RoCo II - Sage Recreations list - how does Record work ?

Started by MisterK, November 12, 2023, 01:13:42 AM

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Sometimes, a very short description is not necessarily a good thing...

Level 1 : Store Scene (I*) [AoE 10'/L, Duration P, Range 100'/L] - allows the caster to store any scene for later use with a Recreate Scene spell. This spell will store the scene in its entirety; all sensory input available within the area of effect. On replay, however, the scene will be limited by the caster's capability to display the scene in its entirety.

Level 5 : Recreate Scene II (E) [AoE 10'R, Duration 1 min/L, range 100'] - this spell allows the caster to recreate an immobile Stored scene or image within the area of effect. One of the following options may also be chosen (extra sense, double duration, double range, double AoE, image magnification).

Level 7 : Record (I) [AoE 10'R, Duration 10 min/L, range 100'] - as Spell Store except that the caster places this spell on a target and need not be around while the spell is recording the scene or image. The caster must reach the recording target and cast another Record spell on it to drawn forth the recording. A second Record spell cast on a recording acts as a Store Scene spell. When the first Record spell's duration is up it dissipates taking all of its recordings with it.

My problem is that a Store Spell scene is instant, and captures an instantaneous, immobile scene (that can be recreated). This is like taking a snapshot photo. When you cast the first Record Spell, you start something similar to a videocam. When you cast the second Record spell, you stop the video and upload it into your brain... but it "acts as a Store Scene spell" - so it records an instantaneous, immobile scene. At which point in time between the first and the second Record spells is this scene captured ? Or does it mean that the Record actually records a video and the second Record spell draws forth the video in its entirety - the full time span up to 10 min/L, and all "scenes within that timespan are captured, but each immobile scene (snapshot) must be Recreated separately ? Or does the Recreate Scene spell work differently if it is cast on a Record (and it displays a movie instead, up to 1 min/L, extensible ?

I ignore the fact that the description of the spell starts with 'as Spell Store' which is probably a typo for 'as Store Scene' - there is no Spell Store spell in this list and when a reference is made to a spell on another list, the name of the other list is indicated, which is not the case here.

But the description is more than a bit confusing.

OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol

...a movie is actually a sequence of immobile scenes.
The way I play it, Recreate scene plays what you recorded, may it be a single still image (captured through Store scene) or a sequence of still images (captured through Record). And since a movie is actually a sequence of still images, yes, Record actually acts as Store scene in that it captures still images. It's just that it has a duration, meaning it captures still images... over a given period. In my game, I added a parameter: frames per rates. A basic Recreate scene replays Record captures at 16 fps, but one may use options to increase it to 24, 30 or 48 fps.
"Justice is the romance of fools, evil is just another name for victors. Peace is the balance created by conflict, cruelty is the paranoia of the defeated. You will perish in your folly, while we will survive, no matter what we must do." -- Motto of SHAFT Industries


I also read that as recording the entire observation period. There's an interesting limitation that the recording spell has a duration of 10 min/lvl but the playback spell is only 1 min/lvl, so you might need multiple castings to actually watch the whole thing, otherwise you might miss things that were in the recording but you never got to see.
System and Line Editor for Rolemaster


My problem with those interpretations is that the Recreate Scene spell is explicitly stated as capable of recreating an *immobile* stored scene (and not several consecutive - a single one).

I can go with the Record spell not being written entirely correctly (the reference to Store Spell is bizarre, and saying that the second Record acts as a Store Scene even though a Store Scene stores an immobile scene is confusing). But the Recreate Scene spell is quite clear in that it is basically a static illusion. And I'm not sure it was meant to be converted into a Phantasm spell.

So the first Record spell starts the recording, and the second Record spell ends the recording and "uploads" the recording into the caster's memory. OK. Then the Recreate Scene spell is cast, which recreates an immobile scene. Would the caster gets to choose which snapshop the spell recreates (since the caster has the entire recording, they can choose the scene to recreate) ?

Maybe adding a higher-level Recreate Recording would solve the problem (the Recreate Scene recreates a single scene in the recording, while the Recreate Recording actually recreates a Phantasm for a reduced duration)...

I don't know. Still open to suggestions.