RM2 & RMC compaitability

Started by Allen, July 13, 2007, 02:02:43 PM

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I hope I'm not beating a dead horse here but...

I've already got the RMC PDF's that are available.
The other day I was asked by one of my fellow RM2 junkies and potential new game players how compaitable the two are with each other. There are a few people that have the old RM2 books like I do.
Now I'm sure I already know the answer, "they're essentailly the same thing just RMC reads easier and more clearly."
Is that an accurate statement?
there are a a couple of other players who, the last time I ran a game about 8 years ago, ended up buying RMSS and there was a lot of conflict between the books that I was unaware of... I didnt know that ICE had changed it up to be honest. Just thought it was new covers. So I dont want to have any surprises.
In a nut shell, finally coming to a point here, Are we going to be able to go back and forth between the two (other than the AL tables) pretty seamlessly?

(long winded aint I?)

thanks again for the time...

Ooo, that's gonna leave a mark...


"Laugh it up shorty... you've been using my loin cloth for a blanket." -Bruce to Inky from the web comic Atland

Marc R

The weapon skills are the only 3 stat skills, so RM2 perception In/In/Re is RMC In/Re

Symbolic Ways in SL was fixed to actually make sense.

Nerve law was fixed so it no longer refers to non existant spells.

"P"assive spell type was dropped (Broken to U and I spells generally)

"I"nformational spell type was given clearer resolution rules.

"P"hantasm and Illusion spell type was added to break illusions from "E"lemental.

AL phased tactical sequence was switched to a % activity sequence.

All other variations are in the options presented, and being options, are not changes, per se, just additions.

I think that's all of it. I may have forgotten some.

The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

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LM - once again thanks.  with that I explination I think we'll be good to go.

Ooo, that's gonna leave a mark...


"Laugh it up shorty... you've been using my loin cloth for a blanket." -Bruce to Inky from the web comic Atland


Also the 'Tactical Sequence' has been completely revamped into something simpler and more elegant.