Director's Briefing - December 2022

Started by NicholasHMCaldwell, November 18, 2022, 12:46:18 PM

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That's a great idea! Some sneak peaks from the book :)
Just to help us manage those last days of waiting...
The front, back, some artwork maybe or even a random page that was revamped?
That'd be cool :D


So - RMU is RoleMaster Unity? Universal?


Were there any images of what the page layouts are going to look like? I saw one draft version a while back, and based on that, would really like to know what the final font sizes and use of space are like...
m y  f a i t h  i s  l o v e

Waging a war against the indifference of men.


Any ETA for when hardcovers will be orderable? I take it? I'd like to order 6 for me and my players. Grabbed the PDF today, brings back lots of memories.

Any chance for signed/numbered limited editions? If limited to say 100; I'll pay $500 for #1, $100 each for 2-5... I have similar of other volumes from years past... and the HARP Space draft I bid on via telephone when it was auctioned off for charity years ago.  ;D
Official comments will be between Moderation and End Moderation. Otherwise comments are personal opinion.

"Knowledge comes from crafted bindings and pages... not ones and zeros." -- Rupert Giles


RMU Core Law is listed as $25 marked down from $30. If this listing is correct, how long is the reduced price going to stick around?
Rolemaster: When you absolutely, positively need to have a chance of tripping over an imaginary dead turtle.


So please to have bought the Core Law!.

Do you have a file where we can check the modifications with the beta?
(Yes I am lazy and want to save time...), no worries if you don't have it
Need to find a good signature...


When are you opening the RMU subforum?