MERP Assistant

Started by i20, September 11, 2022, 04:45:23 PM

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Hi, I made an app a few years ago. It's an helper for the Middle Earth RP, running on android and desktop.
It allows for skipping a lot of search through the books, pretty much every mechanism is included excepted the static actions and critics, and the treasure generator.
Dices are still necessary, I tested that and was able to play high with my family (as the game master).
Get the app on the playstore by entering MERP Assistant, or at (look for the "releases" button) in case you want the desktop application ; if you don't have linux, then you'll have to follow the guideline on the readme to get the executable.
Note this is only translated to french / english.
All the best.


Nice work,Yvain.

Can you share any screenshots, just to make it safer for others to see it in action without trusting a link at first?


Hi, There are screenshots on the playstore's version. Don't be afraid to play around with the app to understand it.
Basically you set all the parameters and input the dices casts, then press the button that corresponds to the action like "attack" or "resistance draw".
There are tabs for each main features. About the link, is a trusted site, but you'r right to no take only words for a fact, github doesn't scan for viruses, google does.
The point is that github is not a fishing site.


I'm making a last note here about the way the program is written, since it was one of my first project, the code is a real mess that works well. Pretty much every aspect of it will get me a 0 at an exam.
But since it works, just take care !


Just a note about the previous message concerning those who don't have the app,
I did a review of the code and there shouln'd be any more crashes.
Checked the english version on the store, it's up to date. I don't know how google deals with different version, but as far as I'm concerned, there is one app that handles french or english depending on the language set on your android.


Hello there !
I'm just coming to say that the app is not on the playstore anymore.
The issue is that my online repository only has some 2 years old code.
Nevertheless I decided to take this and do pretty much the same thing that I had done when updating (there was a fix concerning app crashes).
I have not reimplemented the extras like loot generator (and some other stuffs that I don't remember).
BUT, I found out bugs, evil bugs with thrown weapons mechanism and dynamic actions. So that's fixed and should work fine.
There is some UI rearangement for a correct display on a decent sized phone (nexus 5X for testing) and also now you don't have to grab the scrollbar from the weapon table to scroll up and down, you can just swipe into it (on android).
Lastly there is now a nice unique ring icon for the app (it is done by myself with blender3d and is free of rights).

Here is the links for downloads:

This is a debug release and since I don't have Windows i have made a linux and android version.
The linux is for linux x64 and the app is for armv8 (x64). If you need any other versions just ask.
I had some issues with responsiveness on my android like the UI sometimes updates only after some input is activated. I also couldn't manage to get the inputs to open a digits only keyboard, and these two issues together are really anoying. Reports are appreciated so that I can determine whether this is due to the OS on my phone or a general issue (though I doubt it).


Just out of curiosity, do you have any screen shots that are public to look at? I cannot get the application to run on my machine.


Hello, here are screenshots from the three tabs where there is an actual mechanism. The fourth one is just a reminder for some rules.
I am not sure about how to properly insert them in the post, but they should be downloadable.

About your machine David, the architecture and OS required for the program to run is an amd64 linux.
For the android app, it just needs a modern phone, but I could export it for any phone architecture.

You'll notice the language is french ! but there is a full translation mechanism that will switch to english if that's your language (will need a little bit of extra work to match with the update because some text have changed).


Just a notice:
The android application isn't functionnal. It's not originally supposed to be ran on a phone. But i'm sure I could use it with my older phones and also (better) tablet.
Maybe I just have an incompatibility on my device, so am still waiting for feedback on whether it's usable (if the user interface is reactive).


Hi there ! I was able to deal with unresponsive elements on some parts of the screen for Android. This was the main issue.
Now the things that are still to fix are the big table where the user choose a weapon (it updates only after scrolling is over), and same for one of the textbox in the reminders tab.
This should be a piece of cake, after that I'll just check the translations and it'll be done.


OK, so as I kept getting unresponsive user interface elements I decided to go on and redo the UI from scratch. But still having the same issue. So I rolled back the programming interface to an older version and it's now working great ! I took the time to set the translator, so this should be fully english / french.
Good bye.


I'm taking the liberty do to a last post here because since that app is also in french i'd like to have the online search engine reference the app for french speaking folks, so I'm leaving a tag at the end of the post.

Note that all bugs are solved, and UI is smooth and we also have digits keyboards ! I did not take the time to rewrite the reminder's tab, I just trust it's not required and the game master knows the rules.

I hope this app gets used, I don't personnally play this game but since I had started to develop it a long time ago and that I had the book's tables already numerized with a working mechanism, I am gald I could finish it. You'll see it's a real time saver, I had made a test game originally and all that was left to manage during fights where the different protagonists positions and stats.

Assistant jeu de rĂ´le des terre du millieu.