Subscribe to ICE Newsletter

Started by Thom @ ICE, January 09, 2013, 10:50:22 PM

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Thom @ ICE

January 09, 2013, 10:50:22 PM Last Edit: February 05, 2013, 10:53:03 PM by Thom @ ICE

This is an important message regarding your Iron Crown Newsletters.

As part of the rebranding of our website, Iron Crown Enterprises will soon be switching E-mail platforms.

If you wish to continue receiving the most up-to-date news, updates and offers straight to your inbox you will need to sign up for our new service by following this link

We will continue to send you the same number and quality of e-mails as we currently do and we do not require anything but your e-mail address. If however you want to provide us with more information about yourself we can send you more personalized and targeted e-mails.

How does it work?
You can sign up to our new mailing list by following this link or by using one of the many sign up forms on our website.

The only information you HAVE to give is a valid e-mail address but you are welcome to give us more information if you wish. This information will be used to provide you with more personalized and targeted e-mails.

We will then send you an e-mail asking you to confirm that you wish to receive our e-mails by activating your account.

Once you have activated your account you will start receiving news, updates and offers from Iron Crown.

You can of course unsubscribe if ever you wish to by simply following a link which will be in every e-mail. Alternatively you can simply reply to the e-mails giving us your feedback and we will endeavour to help.

The new e-mails along with the new website represent a move towards a more professional Iron Crown image and great moment for ICE as we build on the support of our fans to create industry leading products, content and customer interaction.

It'll take less than two minutes to sign up and will result in you continuing to receive the latest news, updates and offers straight to your inbox.

Sign up NOW!
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