Author Topic: RM2/RMC game Via Ventrilo/maptools Interface bi-Sundays 7pm MST/9pm EST 3-4 LF2  (Read 2723 times)

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Offline Warl

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I have a Game running, we have lost 2 layers, one due to a Move and the time won't work for him any longer, and the other had a work conflict and can't play any longer.

Group still has 4 players half experienced half new but enjoying the game. We have room for at least 2 players.   

Game plays approximately every other Sunday, though some times, due to when people will be available, we may play 2 Sundays in a row or Skip 2 Sundays before picking up again.   

Game typically runs 7pm to 10-11pm MST (mountain- Salt lake City, UT, USA based for the GM) that is 9pm to midnight -1am EST or 6pm to 9-10pm pst (Pacific)

The Game uses RM2/RMC as a Base but does have a few Modifications/House rules I run by.

I Use for game administration/character information and In between sessions communications Between players and with the GM.

We also use MapTools as a Virtual Table top and Ventrilo for Voice during game.

All Options and Character creation is on the RPOL forum and the die roller there is used for character creation when Needed.

The campaign is starting in a desert setting. I run a Hero centered Game (no evil PCs), But death can be a Likely out come... I have All my players Work up Back up characters.

I currently Have 4 solid players.
1 Human High Warrior Monk
1 Gnome Magician
1 Sylph (Think Fairy) Illusionist
1 Dwarven Druid

(We lost our Paladin and a Sage.)

the group has been running now for about 2 years. So the players are fairly dedicated.

Next game is scheduled for the 13th of September, and I am fairly available for Discussing and helping with character creation.

If you have any questions about the game, Please post or private message and I will do my best to respond quickly.
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Offline Justin

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I am interested, I need to figure out if I am available. Could you describe (PM if you like) what the world is like, and what your adventures tend to be about? What classification of conflict do you normally have--violent, sneaky, socio-political, existential?

What level would a new character be? 1 or whereever the party is?
"Even the most free roaming video game in the world still has to rely on programmed quest resolution triggers.  Only table-top RPGs make any solution possible.  Even ones not originally intended by the GM.  You  will never replace that." --Rivstyx

Offline Warl

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For others who are interested, here is a brief Synopsis of the campaign setting.

The setting.

THe Raurin Desert... Once a Life giving river flowed through this desert making it a lush and vibrant place along it's shores... Meccas of wealth and centers of the Raurindi Empire. This a thousand years ago. before the great emeny laid waste to the empire, before he was Sealed by the great Wizard, Before the curse was laid upon the land. Now the empire is gone the Great Life giving River Athis long since dried up.... Only ruins of the Fallen empire can be found scattered throughout the desert. the Raurindi people are scattered and Ruled Now by the Dupari empire to the south.
The Dupari Empire has Reopened a caravan route through the desert to the kingdoms North beyond the vast Great Desert. having created a caravan route through the deert connecting Oassis to once again Bring attain wealth through trade with the North. But the Dupari Worship Only the Gawd Anu and suffer no other gawds to be worshiped. Still some Raurindi keep the faith of their Gawds alive, in secret and prepare rebellion against the Dupari when the Great Enemy is freed from his prison and the weapon that the Great Wizard had promised would be made is found to defeat him.

Or so it is foretold in ancient prophesies .

There are Rumors of the Orexi Tribes ( a Race of Large 4 armed Humanoids) to the north west in the great desert leaving their ancestral Grounds and venturing south for more than just raids. Some say they Move to free the great enemy and serve him. Some say they Seek an Ancient relic of their ancestors following prophesy themselves, and some say they are being driven south by some other great evil.

This is the Campaign that my players have been involved in for the last 2 years. They are currently, technically, sided with the Raurindi as one of the Still active players is a Raurindi. (there used to be another as well , the Paladin who served Horus. The Raurindi Serve the Egyptian style Gawds.

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Offline Justin

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I am interested, I need to figure out if I am available.

Unfortunately, I am not available. I already have a solo bi-weekly Saturday thing, and if I took this on it would block out too much weekend.  :(  Thanks though, Warl.
"Even the most free roaming video game in the world still has to rely on programmed quest resolution triggers.  Only table-top RPGs make any solution possible.  Even ones not originally intended by the GM.  You  will never replace that." --Rivstyx

Offline Warl

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No problem, check back anytime if things change.
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Offline Bruce

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I'd be interested but don't have the time. I see you use Maptools which is a great VTT as I have used it before. Have you tried using Mote? It was born off of Maptools (some of the same people who developed Maptools developed Mote). It has more functions than Maptools and has a sound board set up so you can play ambient music during game play along with sound bytes. If you interested look it up on Google+ or I'll post a link here.
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Offline Warl

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I haven't yet used mote.. Been looking to find time to try it.. My biggest concern is all the icons (tokens) and maps I have devoted to creating for my maptools as well as the Macros we have created...

But I still may give it a try soon.
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Offline Bruce

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So far all the stuff I created for HARP in Maptools works great in Mote, even my attack macros that automatically apply damage to the target. Though I have yet to work out the macro for applying Crit damage along with stuns and bleeders. As it stands right now Maptools/Mote will keep track of your stun and bleeders (apply both each round, stuns go down and bleeders take HP) but I have to enter the initial numbers in manually.

The most recent update allows the Bag of Tricks to work with Mote.
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Offline Warl

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Damn how can I get a hold of you campaign file lol
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Offline Bruce

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I could send it to you but I have my own combat tables that are a cross between the HARP ones and the RM ones. There may be a better way of doing it now in Mote because before I had to make each column on the combat charts its own chart in Maptools. I could've just used a macro but did it this way instead.
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Offline Warl

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mhmm.. I had the Idea of Making my own Macros for each weapon... using a system I came up with years ago to replace the charts. it made all Successful hits require 101 or better to have any effect and included Stun and bleed all in the one attack roll based on how successful over 100 you were. Armour Reduced/absorbed a certain mount of damage. only needed a second roll if you achieved a High enough success to get a roll to see if you hit something vital.

with this I would Only need 1 marco per weapon without a Chart.
D Puncture crit 100
Strike through foes brain makes liffe Difficult for foe!

Offline Bruce

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PM me with your email if you still want the campaign file, or I could just do a dropbox link if you prefer.
When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!