Author Topic: Called Shots  (Read 7120 times)

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Offline DavidKlecker

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Re: Called Shots
« Reply #20 on: March 31, 2009, 05:30:25 PM »
I never liked called shots in RM. Combat is already lethal enough. The ONLY way I would allow it would be using the same idea as Ambush but make it a Restricted Combat maneuver. The number of ranks you have in that skill can be used to offset the critical bonus. Also with Feint, Disarm, Blindfighting, Subdual, etc.. you have quite a few alternative skills to add flavor. Called shots for me is handled already with the Critical Tables it's just random, not called.

Offline RandalThor

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Re: Called Shots
« Reply #21 on: March 31, 2009, 10:49:50 PM »
Oh, and another problem with my supposed called shot system is that it makes the combat system much more lethal. This is especially true, if you fight foes with much higher OB than yourself. If, for example, Andraax attacks you, you are plainly dead, since he cannot fumble with his sword (as many high level NPCs) and he will take any sensible minus to fullfill a terminal attack.

Although the argument could be made for the fact that Andraax's ability to annihilate you - the 3 rd level fighter - in one hit is both proper and realistic.

For me the only reason to have a called shot rule is for when you want to do something other than just kill your opponent, such as shoot the apple off your son's head. Even the Smaug example can be done by just saying the shot is Absurd, take the negative and if you achieve any crit result you have succeeded - the crit doesn't have to say you kill him if it was put into place that just hitting Smaug in the missing scale with the special arrow would kill him.

Called shots are done for some special reason. Just figure out what results are wanted & the difficulties of achieving them. From their it is just a matter of succeeding at the roll. Perhaps, you don't even use the combat chart for some things, just the 111+ skill check using OB, DB, and special mods in place of skill bonus, opposed skill roll and situation modifiers.
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Offline Der Graumantel

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Re: Called Shots
« Reply #22 on: April 11, 2009, 07:04:18 AM »
Hi Randal,

Yes maybe Andraax should be able to kill you with one blow. The only problem I see is that it feels so unrolemasterish (strange word:).It is against one of the conerstones of the Rolemaster philosophy as I see it, wich somehow states that everythng could happen. It also gives the players a greater feel of security in combat, when they fight opponents with much lower OB, wich is also a little "unrolemasterish".

But I still don?t think that the only reason for a called shots should be, that you want to do something else than kill the target. The zombie situation (see above) describes in a good way, why that is not the case. Of course, one could simply give a mod and make a skill check, but I think it would be very strange to do that in a system that values detail so much, that it has one attack table for each weapon and not simple linear mods on rolls. We have the tables and they reflect the effectivity of a weapon against a armor type in Rolemaster. Why not use them, while they are so important in other parts of combat? Why should I give Bard (Smaug example) a simple mod on a skill roll, where he could roll on the bow attack table with a success threshold reflecting the systems weapon effectivity. I also think its just about figuring out the results and the difficulties to achieve them, but in my opinion this is the problem. Your suggestion is a simple and effective way of handling these special situations, but in my opinion it doesn?t reflect the systems information about attacks in general.

I want to give a system to figure out the success threshold and want to use the attack tables to help me in the attempt, for they represent crucial system information.

Of course, after all it is as everything else a matter of taste, how to deal with these situations.

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Offline Mhairtrym

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Re: Called Shots
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2009, 06:18:19 PM »
IMO called shots come into play in situations such as the evil sorcerer is holding a vial of green liquid about to throw or drink it.  while the player wants to shoot it out of his hand, or just shatter it. 

Or PC is being hung, and another PC is off to the side and wishes to shoot through the rope.  A lever is seen through a portucullis and PC's try to hit it with spell, bow, or thrown weapon to move it.  In these examples I would lean towards manuevers to accomplish it.  In the first one I probable do the same and subtract the Sorcerer's DB. 

On the point of called shots to hit heart or eye or whatever, I find, and this goes for different systems it is either too easy, where it is done constantly.  Or just too difficult whereby no one ever even tries it.  So agreeing with alot of the others.

Offline RandalThor

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Re: Called Shots
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2009, 01:05:37 AM »
Hi Der Graumantel, sorry to take so long getting back with you on this but I have been driving across country (United States - 2600+ miles) to help move some friends of mine to Seattle - Tacoma really.

If I hear you correctly, it sounds like you want a seperate table for each of the various "called shot" scenarios. Which would, VERY obviously, be too much. (Don't worry Rasyr we aren't going to make you create them........yet.  :whip:)

As much as RM is a detailed game, there is just too much out there, too many situations to be able to detail them all. I still contend that the attack charts as they are are for combatants who are going about "normal" combat. By that I mean, I am attacking you - who is defending with both their armor and skill - and you are attacking me. The special called shot situations need to be handled somewhat differently, some totally differently than a regular attack. The zombie example could be a simple measure of saying, it is X difficult to hit the zombie in the head (which difficulty can change from situation-to-situation) and splate their brains out, hence killing them. Roll your weapon skill and try to get 111+ (for RMSS/FRP, and others for other games). If you do, then you hit them and splatted their brains (assuming that you have a weapon that is capable), iof not, then you can just as easily apply the total number to the attack chart and see what you get - if anything.

Gotta go now (at work) will pick this up later.
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