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RMU Treasure Law- Help Please!

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That seems a solid suggestion, thanks. He is actually working at a smithy right now so I guess I could say they'd allow him to use it in his own time, outside of normal/working hours.

Yes, and it has been fun in my current campaign to get the players to use the crafting skills on their own to help immerse them in the world. I want to make crafting viable: I want it to be cheaper for them to buy the materials and make the item themselves than to buy it from a vendor. So doing this helps with that.

>But, as a rule of thumb, 1sp per day of crafting + the material cost (which we calculated as 0.47sp) is correct then ?

It doesn't always work out that cleanly. I think mail has a proportionally longer production time than most armors, but close enough.

I have a dwarf in one of my games and the party has borrowed the use of many forges simply because the local blacksmith really wanted to watch a dwarven smith at work. There's a limit how long you can do that at any one location but it has worked while they are traveling. If your character doesn't have any reputation to offer, they could probably trade favors instead, whether that's labor at the forge, scaring off some threat, helping with market business, etc. Doing a personal project during off hours certainly seems reasonable.


--- Quote from: Hurin on March 15, 2024, 05:07:16 PM ---Yes, and it has been fun in my current campaign to get the players to use the crafting skills on their own to help immerse them in the world. I want to make crafting viable: I want it to be cheaper for them to buy the materials and make the item themselves than to buy it from a vendor. So doing this helps with that.

--- End quote ---

This is exactly what I'm trying to do as well. How are you calculating the crafting costs for mundane items ?

Worst-case scenario I'll just have to make up some house rules for this based on some of the available data.

Maintenance cost of workshop + cost of material should cover it.


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