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Let's talk about MONSTERS!!!

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Just doing some reading of the boards, and I thought, "What about..monsters in HARP?"

So, let's hear from you GMs: What badboys you like to throw at your"players"? Homebrewed? Official? You name it!!! How did the encounter go?

Players: Let's hear what your GMs have thrown at you!!

Monsters! Yes, we do love them so. Our GM generally throws human opponents against us since our games tend to take place in more urban environments and more political in nature but we've had our fair share of goblins. Goblins always make for a great fight. Mostly weak ones that are easy to beat individually but can be a real problem in large numbers. The occasional mage or burly fighter gets thrown at us to keep us in our place. We've also faced generic skeletons.

I'm sure we'll face a ported over version of the D&D Otyugh at some point since our GM always includes a sewer dive in any given campaign.


--- Quote from: Akai on December 08, 2005, 02:53:29 AM ---I'm sure we'll face a ported over version of the D&D Otyugh at some point since our GM always includes a sewer dive in any given campaign.

--- End quote ---
I love Otyugh too!! I may have to port one over myself.

I love boars. Why? I don't know. Every man is one kind of pig?  I've even made undead boars to be thrown against my PCs: Aura of fear, extra strength, lots of hits, large attacks, based on zombie (fragility vs head crits). Generally I don't like undeads as much as demons (I love RM demons) but while GMing HARP I like them - other excemples Skeletal Jotunn, zombie troll :D

I've made a few own monsters for my precyradon campaign. Not going to the reasons there are some amalgams etc.
One of my faws is  (translating from finnish) 'mantislizard' aka watcher.  Lizard with extra front limbs like praying mantis. Those limbs allow polearm like reach (first round the init bonus is over 30  ;D), grapple, secondary crit as the spikes in limbs impale grappled victim. It also has hypnotic gaze (thus the name) - eye contact allows slow movement towards victim while the victim is static. Of course it is more intelligent than normal animal.

Other is scorpion cat. Large tiger sized cat with poisonous thumb claws in fron paws and elongated tail with small (attack size) poisonous stinger hidein in fur. This is of animal intelligence.



--- Quote from: TwilightKing on December 08, 2005, 02:33:30 AM ---Just doing some reading of the boards, and I thought, "What about..monsters in HARP?"

So, let's hear from you GMs: What badboys you like to throw at your"players"? Homebrewed? Official? You name it!!! How did the encounter go?

--- End quote ---

I've always been a big fan of demons, but since the group I GM now is low level I have to use other monsters.
The nemesis so far have been a half elf, half goblin necromancer wich has been pulling the strings and even attacked their village. Thay have only seen this guy once, but his Gobbomancers they have come across several times. Gobbomancers are goblin necromancers with a shamanistic look. Chickenbones in thier noses and ears, ritual painting and scarification, the full package. Fortunatly for the players the Gobbomancers die easily, but the do manage to summon a few undead gobbos before they get killed. They also have this nice spell I don't remember the name of right now, the necromancer spell that just makes wounds. My players freaked out when Gobbomancers popped out of the bushes, threw some chickenbones and shouted a lot and one of the players fell to the ground sith great pain in his cheast. the gobbo had been at least 10 meters away and had magicaly cut him across the chest. Very spooky.

It's been a while since they met any Gobbomancers, they have become a bit tougher and they are ready for their first dungeoncrawl now. So I guess the will get to meet some more undeads, and not goblin sized this time.


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